Welcome to the support page for Times That Fry Men's Souls, a weird campaign setting for use with OSR fantasy rules. Crawl across 80 hexes of a demented Colonial New York and New Jersey, with 180+ encounters, 10 supernatural scenarios, and hooks for dozens more. Abundant tables are provided for the ease and inspiration of referees and players.

Pre-Generated Characters

Here are eight characters you can use right away with Times That Fry Men's Souls. The book is written with completely generic OSR stats, so that you can use it with Lamentations of the Flame Princess or Labyrinth Lord or Basic Fantasy Roleplaying or even The Black Hack, which we playtested with. It is a far cry from the "normal" OSR style, but it works with this book just like it does any other system that uses levels or hit dice. These are the characters we used for playtesting. As for the "class' notes and whatnot, that's just us "hacking." The actual book does not contain rules for classes and things like that - it's simply setting material and "by the book" stats for the creatures and people encountered.

1 comment:

  1. Hello , in regards the classes you hacked did you go for classes you felt where appropriate to the colonial America's / genre appropriate or was it something else .
    I like the rolls with advantage and the background details are neat too.
